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Protect your organization from supply chain cyber threats 

The rapid growth of the semiconductor market and the increasing reliance on electronics for safety-critical industriesā€”such as automotive, energy, telecom, infrastructure, and healthcareā€”have created highly complex and vulnerable supply chains. These interconnected networks, involving multiple third-party entities from design to distribution, are increasingly susceptible to security risks, including intellectual property theft, hardware tampering, cloning, and sabotage. 

In a world where security is vital, organizations must plan to identify and address their hardware supply chain vulnerabilities to safeguard product integrity and operational safety. 



Bring Waterloo expertise to your organization

Prepare your organization for the evolving risks of supply chain cybersecurity. Engage your team in a cutting-edge learning experience that combines education, collaboration, and action. 

We can provide a custom learning experience for large groups from any single organization.

Contact us now to schedule your tabletop exercise and take the first step toward securing your hardware supply chain.




Receive a digital badge from the University of Waterloo

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a digital badge from the University of Waterloo that you can share with your network to showcase your skills.

Questions? Let's chat!

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET

  +1 (519) 888-4773