This course will benefit anyone working in a team environment who needs to handle
tough issues and difficult interpersonal situations, and do so with confidence and
effectiveness. This includes:
- Project managers
- Project team members
- Department leaders
- Individuals who aspire to become project management specialists
- Professionals who want to develop skills to deliver projects on target, on time, and
on budget
Learn alongside your team!
WatSPEED provides custom learning experiences tailored for large groups from any single
organization. Register three or more employees from the same organization and receive
15 per cent off. Contact our team at for details.
- Manage conflict and negotiations across your team or organization.
- Influence, motivate, and manage relationships for successful collaboration.
- Establish interpersonal communication tools and techniques to positively impact project
Day 1
Setting the Stage for Auccessful Communication
- Understanding yourself – the role of self awareness and self management in effective
- Maintaining perspective and being aware of your triggers
- Learning about different Communication styles and non verbal signals
- Analyzing and adjusting your approach
- Enhancing enablers and avoiding barriers to good communication
- Using effective listening and querying techniques
- Focusing on the other in information gathering
- Avoiding common communication pitfalls
Managing Conflict
- Understanding your preferences
- Recognizing different styles and valuing other approaches
- Distinguishing between intent and impact
- Avoiding disagreement and conflict through validation and clarity
- Delivering difficult messages and dealing with difficult situations
- Increasing receptivity and decreasing defensiveness
- Handling challenges, differing opinions and contrarian views
Day 2
Influencing and Negotiating
- Learning more about negotiation styles and strategies
- Addressing common barriers when trying to negotiate with or influence others
- Building common ground and achieving mutual benefit
- Understanding the difference between interests and positions
- Knowing how to influence others and deal with deadlock
- Dealing with diverse attitudes, personalities, frames of reference and opinions
Building Effective Relationships
- Engaging others – sponsors, bosses, team mates and various stakeholders
- confidently
- Focusing on value and bringing out the best in others
- Understanding the pivotal role of communications in setting expectations, motivating,
providing feedback and teaming
- Knowing how to relate to and engage others in ways that build strong relationships
and partnerships
Project Execution
- The role of key stakeholders
- Maintaining a strong team
- Project monitoring and control
- Project status reporting
Project Completion
- Things to do as a project reaches completion
- Post Project Review
The curriculum is compatible with the project management industry standard set by
the Project Management Institute (PMI). The University of Waterloo partners with a project management training provider
to offer courses that qualify for project management professional (PMP) Professional
Development Units (PDUs) or contact hours. You will receive electronic course notes
that parallel the course content and serve as an excellent project management resource
Receive a certificate from the University of Waterloo
Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a professional education
certificate from the University of Waterloo.
Kristine Hatfield, PMP, PMI-ACP, CSM
Senior Consultant, WCP | Course Instructor, WatSPEED
Kristine Hatfield has over 20 years project management experience, including the management
of large, complex, projects and programs, and project portfolios in excess of $250
million. She has successfully established company-wide project management practices
and has a great deal of experience in implementing and leading project management
offices (PMO), business analysis, strategic planning, and developing project managers.
Hatfield understands the importance of building high performing collaborative teams
across organizations. She brings a practical “people focused” approach to the application
of project management principles to deliver successful projects, programs, and portfolios.
She has spent her professional career in the telecommunications industry and IT, including
senior management roles, and has been a project management professional (PMP) since
John Glennie, PMP
Senior Consultant WCP | Course Instructor, WatSPEED
John Glennie has over twenty-five years of business and project management experience.
Working extensively with clients in both the private and public sectors, Glennie's
project management and business experience includes successfully navigating the challenges
and complexity of managing global product launches for a manufacturing firm, the creation
of an electronic trading system for a precious metals operation, and successfully
delivering client projects through his own IT company.
An award-winning instructor, Glennie has provided project management and related business
training to individuals and organizations across Canada, the United States and (through
virtual courses) globally.